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World Art-Tribal Art-Folk Art


                                Dear All, Poorva is an Art Educator, conducting Art workshops for over 20 years. If you feel "you can't draw a straight line to save yourself" you are in the right space, and would […]

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Writing Children’s Literature: A Workshop by Teacher_Author


Call for application for the upcoming Teacher_Author#10! Register soon! Batch starting from 24th July 2021 Come, script children's literature in the language of your students. Interested in the upcoming Teacher_Author Workshop? Fill in the google doc. Know more about Teacher_Author here:  

Ban the Book – A Dialogue on Censorship in the Library


Join us for a web gathering on our Webinar series from Bookworm, Goa. These series are designed to enable teachers, library educators, book people, and academics to engage more deeply with matters of the library.  Libraries are about many things and many matters but at the heart of the library […]

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